Election and Political Analysis / Inside Washington2024 will be an historic year for presidential elections with an unpopular and oldest president running against a polarizing former president with considerable character and legal issues
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Updated February 13, 2025
The Democrat's convention in Chicago moved from being a wake to being Mardi Gras. The Democrats were facing probable defeat with Biden as the nominee and which turned to absolute joy with the Harris/Walz ticket. However, that enthusiasm did not convert to an election victory for Harris/Walz.
Trump won because of the time tested procedure that people vote their pocketbook. Add to the rising cost of gas, groceries, etc. the seemingly endless ads Trump ran about how illegal aliens are and will threaten our safety and security.
There are lots of sub-stories, but the bottom line is Trump's campaign focused on people's core values and was able to overcome concerns about his "unique " personality and legal troubles. Pocketbook issues also overrode the many fears that woman will not be able to get proper medical care that use some of the same procedures and equipment used for abortions.
The Republicans are the majority party in the House of Representatives as a result of the 2022 mid-term elections. The party of the newly elected President almost always loses many seats in the House in the first mid-term election after his election. The new Republican House majority will be small. The Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe, Anti-Trump sentiment and the House Select Committee on January 6th are widely thought to be contributing factors in the absence of the predicted "Red Wave." The 18 to 35 age demographic is historically the lowest performing voters, however, females in the 18 to 35 demographic voted in record numbers. Those are the prime child bearing years, which strongly suggest the overturn of Roe V Wade drove them to the polls and account for the Republican very small majority in the House and loss of a seat in the Senate.
Republicans leaned heavily on the idea that President Biden's low approval numbers, high gas prices and inflation would be the only thing on voter's minds. Obviously, they were wrong.
Republicans will have a slim majority. Unlike when the big losses the newly elected President's suffered. Bill Clinton was elected in 1992 and Democrats lost 54 seats in 1994. Barack Obama was elected in 2008 and Democrats lost 63 seats in 2010. Donald Trump was elected in 2016 and Republicans lost 40 House seats in 2018. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will not be happy in the minority which is why she will not be a candidate for Leadership of the Democratic Caucus in the New Congress. The horrible physical attack on her husband, Paul, will also be a factor. She was 82 on Election Day in 2022.
History was made in another way. No Senate incumbent lost his/her seat for the first time since 1914.
The 2022 election also further weakened Donald Trump's position. His base will always adore him. However, he has lost forever the support of some percent of Republicans, independents and moderate Democrats. He "anointed" candidates who were not qualified and almost all of them lost. He also has legal problems ahead of him that the media will take great delight in covering. If he decide to run in 2024, it will greatly complicate the Republican nomination process.
Trump lost for four reasons; 1) People want change when they are not happy. Covid 19 was not Trump's fault, but it made people unhappy and hungry for change. The gas shortage, high interest rates and the Iran hostage crisis were not Jimmy Carter's fault in 1980, but people voted for change. Voters also questioned if Trump showed enough leadership in handling the Covid 19 crisis. 2) Trump's demeanor of calling people names, verbal bullying, 3am texts, etc. convinced many voters that Trump just does not have the temperament and credibility to be the President. 3) Joe Biden was seen as both a viable alternative to Trump and having the Presidential temperament that Trump lacked. 4) Biden's record of 36 years in the U.S. Senate clearly show he is a moderate on almost all issues. Therefore, some Republicans and independents voted for him because he was not a far left candidate like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.
Trump's staff told him his legacy should be that his was a gracious loser, helped with Covid vaccine procedures and helpful with the transition. Obviously, he declined that advice.
Many Republicans want to distance themselves from Trump's idiosyncrasies but won't do it for fear of upsetting Trump's very loyal base. However, the mixed results of Trumps 2022 primaries endorsements is making it easier for Republican's to pull away from Trump. The FBI raid on Trump's home will further create the impression in the minds of many American voters that Trump is unfit to be President. For Trump's base, the raid will be seen as more evidence that the system is rigged and Trump is being treated unfairly.
The Democrat's convention in Chicago moved from being a wake to being Mardi Gras. The Democrats were facing probable defeat with Biden as the nominee and which turned to absolute joy with the Harris/Walz ticket. However, that enthusiasm did not convert to an election victory for Harris/Walz.
Trump won because of the time tested procedure that people vote their pocketbook. Add to the rising cost of gas, groceries, etc. the seemingly endless ads Trump ran about how illegal aliens are and will threaten our safety and security.
There are lots of sub-stories, but the bottom line is Trump's campaign focused on people's core values and was able to overcome concerns about his "unique " personality and legal troubles. Pocketbook issues also overrode the many fears that woman will not be able to get proper medical care that use some of the same procedures and equipment used for abortions.
The Republicans are the majority party in the House of Representatives as a result of the 2022 mid-term elections. The party of the newly elected President almost always loses many seats in the House in the first mid-term election after his election. The new Republican House majority will be small. The Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe, Anti-Trump sentiment and the House Select Committee on January 6th are widely thought to be contributing factors in the absence of the predicted "Red Wave." The 18 to 35 age demographic is historically the lowest performing voters, however, females in the 18 to 35 demographic voted in record numbers. Those are the prime child bearing years, which strongly suggest the overturn of Roe V Wade drove them to the polls and account for the Republican very small majority in the House and loss of a seat in the Senate.
Republicans leaned heavily on the idea that President Biden's low approval numbers, high gas prices and inflation would be the only thing on voter's minds. Obviously, they were wrong.
Republicans will have a slim majority. Unlike when the big losses the newly elected President's suffered. Bill Clinton was elected in 1992 and Democrats lost 54 seats in 1994. Barack Obama was elected in 2008 and Democrats lost 63 seats in 2010. Donald Trump was elected in 2016 and Republicans lost 40 House seats in 2018. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will not be happy in the minority which is why she will not be a candidate for Leadership of the Democratic Caucus in the New Congress. The horrible physical attack on her husband, Paul, will also be a factor. She was 82 on Election Day in 2022.
History was made in another way. No Senate incumbent lost his/her seat for the first time since 1914.
The 2022 election also further weakened Donald Trump's position. His base will always adore him. However, he has lost forever the support of some percent of Republicans, independents and moderate Democrats. He "anointed" candidates who were not qualified and almost all of them lost. He also has legal problems ahead of him that the media will take great delight in covering. If he decide to run in 2024, it will greatly complicate the Republican nomination process.
Trump lost for four reasons; 1) People want change when they are not happy. Covid 19 was not Trump's fault, but it made people unhappy and hungry for change. The gas shortage, high interest rates and the Iran hostage crisis were not Jimmy Carter's fault in 1980, but people voted for change. Voters also questioned if Trump showed enough leadership in handling the Covid 19 crisis. 2) Trump's demeanor of calling people names, verbal bullying, 3am texts, etc. convinced many voters that Trump just does not have the temperament and credibility to be the President. 3) Joe Biden was seen as both a viable alternative to Trump and having the Presidential temperament that Trump lacked. 4) Biden's record of 36 years in the U.S. Senate clearly show he is a moderate on almost all issues. Therefore, some Republicans and independents voted for him because he was not a far left candidate like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.
Trump's staff told him his legacy should be that his was a gracious loser, helped with Covid vaccine procedures and helpful with the transition. Obviously, he declined that advice.
Many Republicans want to distance themselves from Trump's idiosyncrasies but won't do it for fear of upsetting Trump's very loyal base. However, the mixed results of Trumps 2022 primaries endorsements is making it easier for Republican's to pull away from Trump. The FBI raid on Trump's home will further create the impression in the minds of many American voters that Trump is unfit to be President. For Trump's base, the raid will be seen as more evidence that the system is rigged and Trump is being treated unfairly.